Founder at Qreoo and Writer / Producer at Trdinoo
A Wyss Institute robot named Root is designed to teach computer coding to anyone from a 5-year-old to an intermediate programmer.
Most of us dreamed of a treehouse as kids - but not all of us were fortunate enough to have one in the backyard.
An introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming.
An awesome dad created an adorable home workout video to show how he bonds with his kids.
"I don’t know what the odds are of a woman born with Down syndrome marrying the love of her life. I only know you’ve beaten them."
They aren't much to look at, but they might just save our butts.
We're one step closer to real-life Transformers.
It is not just folded paper
E-commerce has become increasingly popular as a business model for the Internet of Things in the consumer space. A toothbrush example, as simple as it may..
The Incas built circular terraces presumably used for research of plant growth at different elevations, and they have mysterious properties