Founder at Qreoo and Writer / Producer at Trdinoo
"That’s the core ingredient for a CEO and a startup, being able to find those people and assess them when the rest of the world doesn’t know how to assess them yet."
Industrial robots don't always get as much attention as their humanoid counterparts, but they are changing the life of humans just as much, if not more.
The dwarf planet Makemake has some company out in the cold, dark depths of the outer solar system.
It's springtime, which means college students are picking where they'll be interning this summer.
It’s more than a diversity problem.
Someday it'll launch planes, but for now this is plenty impressive
A Chief Ink Maker shows how colour and ink is created from the raw ingredients--powder, varnish, and passion. Everything designers and printers need to know
This infographic shows 9 types of intelligence, described in Howard Gardner book "Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences"
While startup founders clearly have habits in common, one thing sets them apart from other mere mortals — they don’t play by the same rules as their peers.
The subglacial lake is second in size only to Lake Vostok, but much nearer to research stations, making it easier to hunt there for new life forms