The flipping card animation is a quick way to make your site stand out as something modern. With newer CSS features such as the perspective property, we can make this animation pretty quickly and easily, yet maintain its eye-catching effect.
Built for designing. Create fast loading, highly readable, and 100% responsive interfaces with as little css as possible. Build beautiful, responsive, readable interfaces.
Learn how to launch the Windows Settings app from your app. This topic describes the ms-settings URI scheme. Use this URI scheme to launch the Windows Settings app to specific settings pages. To launch the Settings app, use the ms-settings: URI scheme as shown in the following examples.
Learning Animation? This is one of the best Animation tutorial I’ve seen. It explains the basics of animation with the breakdown of the 12 principles of animation. It teaches you how making a few little changes can better your animation skills. If your Curious about Animation this video is a definite watch.
I love the 8-bit gaming era, and I believe there's a reason many gamers do, and it's to do with the animation the games employed. Learn the breakdown of how keyframes and sprites where used for character animation.
Why do some games keep us rapt and entertained until the closing credits, while others fizzle out and end up on our pile of shame? Let’s look at some key ways developers can keep players interested (without being evil about it).
Flexible gigs don't have to pay peanuts. A nine-to-five job is far from the only way of making a decent living in 2017. To help you find the best jobs that earn high income but offer flexibility, we combined two recent rankings of 10 of the highest-paying remote jobs with another list of 15 top-paying side hustles.
Making the web more awesome. YouTube Channel on the Latest in the World of Web for Developers and Designers
Nolan Lawson a PM at Microsoft Edge joins us today to talk about PouchDB a popular open source project he’s a maintainer of. PouchDB is an open-source JavaScript database inspired by Apache CouchDB that is designed to run well within the browser.
WebAssembly in WebKit. WebAssembly is a no-nonsense sidekick to JavaScript. It isn’t meant to be hand-written; rather, it’s a low-level binary format designed to be a suitable compilation target for existing languages such as C++.
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