Do some dog breeds live longer than others? And does your dog's breed effect its behavior? Yes, and no, according to two new studies. Jack Russell terriers are longest lived, but genetics suggests breed only poorly predicts behavior.
Lee Trink, CEO of the $240 million esports collective, on its expansion plans and no tolerance rule on divisive language. It is important for us to take a leadership role. How esports giant FaZe Clan is working to root out bad behavior in the gaming community
Animals brain activity aligns in social settings, a coordination that may hold clues about how social context influences behavior. These simpatico signals, described in bats and mice, bring scientists closer to understanding brains as they normally exist enmeshed in complex social situations.
A new study has found young women are more adventurous than their male counterparts when it comes to solo travel. The study by British Airways was sparked by cabin crew observations about the rising number of women traveling solo and found more and more were choosing to do so.
All waves behave in certain characteristic ways. They can undergo refraction, reflection, interference and diffraction. These basic properties define the behaviour of a wave – anything that reflects, refracts, diffracts and interferes is labelled a wave.
Bees sting other animals, including humans, when they think there might be a threat to their hive. But Evie, age 8, wonders if bees ever accidentally sting other bees.
(—Light behaves both as a particle and as a wave. Since the days of Einstein, scientists have been trying to directly observe both of these aspects of light at the same time. Now, scientists at EPFL have succeeded in capturing the first-ever snapshot of this dual behavior.
Because thinking is hard.
Today on the show I talk to Daniel Post Senning, about manners for modern men, as well as digital etiquette in this world of smartphones, emails, group texts, etc.
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