FarmBot Genesis is humanity's first open-source CNC farming machine designed for at-home automated food production. Pre-order your FarmBot at 25% off
So where does that leave the world's working class?
For anyone wondering whether robots are gaining ground on people when it comes to performing repetitive tasks, you need look no further than the Amazon Picking Challenge.
Roost, a smart home startup, has announced a new device called the Smart Water Leak and Freeze Detector at CE Week in New York City.
I'm always amazed by Boston Dynamics. One anecdote I like to share about the company is how the next generation Atlas has 3D printed limbs, with embedded "veins" in the structure to route its...
A temple in Beijing uses an adorable robot to spread Buddhist teachings.
Behold: the dawn of the merbot.
Industrial robots don't always get as much attention as their humanoid counterparts, but they are changing the life of humans just as much, if not more.
A Wyss Institute robot named Root is designed to teach computer coding to anyone from a 5-year-old to an intermediate programmer.
We're one step closer to real-life Transformers.
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