I’m Grant Thompson - "The King of Random" and I make weekly videos dedicated to exploring life through all kinds of life hacks, experiments, and random weekly projects.
Nuclear fusion is the holy grail of energy generation because by fusing two hydrogen atoms together into a single helium atom it releases enormous amounts of...
A few quick fixes is all these buses to make their appointed rounds
Two insulators become an amazing conductor when joined, promising efficient power electronics
Sweden opened a stretch of electric highway, becoming the first country to test electric power for heavy transport.Electric-powered trucks are expected to cut 80 to 90 percent of fossil fuel emissions in Sweden.
The average woman will be as well educated as the average man, and then better educated, for the dormant faculties of her brain will be stimulated to an activity that will be all the more in…
A new machine propels China to first place in combined supercomputing power
There has been a wall hit when it comes to the improvement of solar cell efficiency, and this is despite the fact that a great deal of detailed research has taken place. As it seems that the end of…
Someday it'll launch planes, but for now this is plenty impressive
A wireless charging system just achieved three times the rate and 90 percent the efficiency of regular plug-in systems.
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