He said the first edition of these devices will focus on treating brain injury or disorders, however, the later versions might be capable of more.
"We need to create new habit loops in a digital space for people that will keep getting them back day after day." It first offered a freemium model, where the newsroom put select content went behind the paywall.
Subscriptions to online reporting from the Nikkei-owned London-based business newspaper start at $350 per year, and readers are buying. Ridding said two-thirds of the FT’s 900,000 subscribers are digital customers, and subscriptions have overtaken advertising as the chief source of the company’s revenue.
The concept of moment of inertia is demonstrated by rolling a series of cylinders down an inclined plane. Visit physicsworld.com for more videos, webinars and podcasts.
Creating a mix minus is essential for certain productions to create discreet audio feeds.These auxiliary mixes can easily be created using the audio matrix routing system inside NewTek TriCaster Advanced Edition.
Our guest on this episode of the GeekWire podcast: Ina Fried, the San Francisco-based chief technology correspondent for Axios, a new media company founded by former executives of the Politico news…
"A huge percentage of men are literally afraid to be seen one-on-one alone with a woman." In a new interview with LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman, Sandberg flips the narrative, sharing advice about what men can do to fight workplace sexism.
Nolan Lawson a PM at Microsoft Edge joins us today to talk about PouchDB a popular open source project he’s a maintainer of. PouchDB is an open-source JavaScript database inspired by Apache CouchDB that is designed to run well within the browser.
Tune into these yoga-inspired podcasts anytime you need a little grounding or inspiration.
Today on the show I talk to Daniel Post Senning, about manners for modern men, as well as digital etiquette in this world of smartphones, emails, group texts, etc.
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