He was brilliant — and history forgot him.
"If you look at zero you see nothing; but look through it and you will see the world." How Ancient Mesopotamia Created the Mathematical Concept of Nought and Ancient India Gave It Symbolic Form
It's a problem that the world's most experienced mathematicians have spent decades trying to solve, and the solution had eluded them at every turn - the infamous Gaussian correlation inequality (GCI).
A lot of people are arguing over the correct answer to this algebra problem involving horses, horseshoes, and boots. A Facebook post with this problem has ov...
We’ve all been there. You pick up a slice of pizza but it flops over. But there’s no need to despair, … Continue reading How a 19th Century Math Genius Taught Us the Best Way to Hold a Pizza Slice
One mathematician’s spirited answer to bored, frustrated and reluctant math students.
Hello geek friends. An excellent educational and entertaining documentary on computer software algorithm in real life. Short 60 min BBC film shows the real l...
Hello geek friends. An excellent educational and entertaining documentary on computer software algorithm in real life. Short 60 min BBC film
My Friend Paul and I show off our Rubik's cube solving robot.
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