A book press is used to flatten a text block or book while bookmaking. Don't spend hundreds when you can make your own in minutes! I'll show you how to make ...
Raspberry Mint Iced Tea
FarmBot Genesis is humanity's first open-source CNC farming machine designed for at-home automated food production. Pre-order your FarmBot at 25% off
Where does a procrastinator go wrong and how can you actually improve your procrastination habits?
Quantizer turns particle collisions into sweet sounds.
Not an ordinary PC, not a smartphone either and guess what, it’s not a wearable device. So what on Earth is it? UDOO X86 is many things.
Patience is mandatory when it comes to fish farming; engineering degree optional.
How to turn an ordinary mouse trap and gunpowder caps into an alarm device
The future won't build itself; actual people will make it happen. Meet the under-the-radar geniuses who are bringing tomorrow to you today.
A Chief Ink Maker shows how colour and ink is created from the raw ingredients--powder, varnish, and passion. Everything designers and printers need to know
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