Even if you're an engineer, you'll appreciate these visual explainers. ​
Architecture expos are often futurist fantasias of design — but this year’s Venice Architecture Biennale imagines how humanity’s first art can house (and treat) us all better.
Hello geek friends. An excellent educational and entertaining documentary on computer software algorithm in real life. Short 60 min BBC film shows the real l...
A beautiful detailed guide to how cars work with over 280 articles and 2,000 illustrations.
One man decided not to let his house be destroyed by floods thanks to a great purchase he found on the internet.
Quantizer turns particle collisions into sweet sounds.
Hello geek friends. An excellent educational and entertaining documentary on computer software algorithm in real life. Short 60 min BBC film
Aviation experts were baffled when a British Airways plane from Hong Kong landed at Heathrow airport with a square tire.
Someday it'll launch planes, but for now this is plenty impressive
A Chief Ink Maker shows how colour and ink is created from the raw ingredients--powder, varnish, and passion. Everything designers and printers need to know
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