This Space - Savvy was designed to encourage sustainable cultivation and peaceful co-existence of people with wild animals in Wayanad!
The world needs to produce more food to feed a growing population, but is automation and sensor technology the answer?
One man is on a mission to prove that it’s possible to make (good) living farming.
Not your usual rooftop lettuces.
Venezuela is a country facing severe economic crisis. Specifically, let’s focuses on what business opportunities the people of Venezuela have to get out of this severe economic crisis or at least hunger.
The epitome of a low-tech agriculture solution, these coops on wheels give your birds constant access to fresh food, while fertilizing the soil and controlling pests.
A new abrasive weeding method could help farmers weed and feed.
The nation’s newest, most vibrant competition for short films about sustainable food and farming—the first annual Real Food Media Contest—recently announced it had chosen the top 10 films from among 150 entries.
FarmBot Genesis is humanity's first open-source CNC farming machine designed for at-home automated food production. Pre-order your FarmBot at 25% off
And how to commit crimes against insects with them.
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