Today on the show I talk to Daniel Post Senning, about manners for modern men, as well as digital etiquette in this world of smartphones, emails, group texts, etc.
A drone powered by hydrogen pellets is cleaner and lighter than conventional lithium batteries – and perfect for long-distance flight
Conventionally, mosquitoes are repelled/killed using the chemicals. The main specialty of this device is its scientific and eco friendly nature that makes it different from other machines.
If you've never seen a Strandbeest before, you're going to want to watch the video after the break. Invented by [Theo Jansen], a Strandbeest is a kinematic work of art.
[Nicolas Berger] submits his six degree of freedom mouse project. He hopes to do things like control a robot arm or fly an alien mothership.
It's made using some old videogame parts.
With a Super Bowl game in Silicon Valley, the NFL provided a glimpse Tuesday into the technology under development to revolutionize the viewer experience.
My Friend Paul and I show off our Rubik's cube solving robot.
"Hi! I'm Rud, Kilo Five Romeo Uniform Delta." That's me introducing myself at a ham meeting. Ham radio operators kid that we don't have last names, we have call signs. Becoming an Amateur Radio...
Alternative farming companies like FarmedHere see a bright future in indoor agriculture, which they say can take over local food production
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